paradise ablaze

alice alexandra moore
3 min readMar 22, 2021

. . . without cultural fire and a willingness to burn, wildfires will occur, and that is a consequence of not burning. To recognize that fire is the law of the land is to recognize that it is part of the laws of nature.

Good Fire, written for the Karuk Tribe, March 2021.

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

maybe it started as a bonfire / foi de vivre / smokey

disgruntled bear / California dreaming / weed burning / no

i can’t make light / ignis ossium / 85 reliquiae

exhumed so far / my thumbs scroll the news / tick up

the tally with each revision / i’m losing names

for what we’re counting / some homes

still stand in paradise / who wants to inherit a big

big house / with lots and lots of food / beside the grilled

bones of the luckless / no winning this lottery’s

barren charity / try to breathe / fire chancing clean

past your chimney / to erase the neighbors / no apostrophe

for possessions / anyones now / your boy

smoked from second grade / his bus driver

finds all the little children / tears apart his sweat

stained shirt / sickly sweet rags on their lips / gates

soot from kindling lungs / they’re calling him

a savior / he knows not what to do / the wheel

sears flesh from his palms / the class holds hands

to pray / but which deity blisters / not angelfaced

Lucifer / mourning the paling dazzle of stars / my daddy too

was just a kid / once upon a time / i was every fairy

tale / a lilith / a hellion / in heaven i’m gonna be

that punk pyro flake who won’t stop

flicking the lighter / flitch / flitch / one thumb to tame

planets / mercurial marred fat earth / phlogiston

hisses inside me / imitation recherche / i’m trying to scream

my throat raw / one me stays in paradiso / the other craves

to ire / self-immolation / is that so mad / to wish to kiss

the warmth of fellow souls / though they’re made of skin

charred plutonian / Bồ Tát Thích Quảng Đức’s heart intact

despite the blaze / have you held the photograph / don’t tell me

his atman lingered / because he trusted some

wrong god / didn’t i just tell you / there’s only one

Elohim ḥayyim / Holocaust his Christian name / in vain we’re baked

sussing smokes from teeth / sleeping bag from shirt / you

from the mélange of me / the slowest beat / does anything kill

faster than light / our temporary neighbors the celestials / we wave

still-lit stubs from rustbucket windows / dry grass passing through

paradise / but rain’s the forecast / campfire plans awry / they’ll call it

an act of god / cosmic control-shift-delete / scrubbed corpses

rise from ashes / glue modicum-a-modicum / and it’s easy

isn’t it / when we forget the threat of flame / memory lane

hide-and-seek / your tiny voice before it cracked / count

to 85 / don’t peek between your chiffony fingers / peep

we would shout / when we weren’t sure of being found



alice alexandra moore
alice alexandra moore

Written by alice alexandra moore

she/her. trans poet, painter, pianist, programmer.

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